Béatrice Deshayes speaks before the European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee (« JURI ») concerning harmonisation of civil procedures in the EU
- Flash newsDuring a hearing held on June 15th, 2016, Béatrice Deshayes has been invited to present the European lawyers’ point of view concerning the need for convergence of civil procedure in Europe, during a workshop of the European Parliament in Brussels. She represented the CCBE (Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe).
The European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee (« JURI ») questions the option of creating new common minimum standards of civil procedure in the EU.
Beatrice Deshayes’s expertise, both before the French and the German jurisdictions, gives her a good knowledge of the difficulties that parties may face in cross-border procedures. A common set of principles already exists, in particular in the field of cross-border service of judicial documents (Regulation n°1393/2007) and of jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (Regulation n°1215/2012 – Bruxelles I bis Regulation). These norms may be completed or improved but, according to the CCBE, new legal instruments should not be superposed to the already existing ones. Such work at European level means to establish an inventory and a comparison of the existing civil procedures in the different member states beforehand.
Last year, she already presented before the European Parliament a French-German comparative analysis of civil judicial expertise in cross-border disputes .
The video of her presentation of June 15th, 2016 is available online .

JURI Workshop ‘ Common minimum standards of civil procedures ‘