Corporate - M&A

Bolstered by the experience of its lawyers and their ability to work in an international environment, more particularly in connection with the firm’s special relations with German clients, the firm’s Corporate team assists companies of various origins, both on a daily basis and at all stages of their development: investment strategy, external growth transactions and restructuring.

The firm also has recognized know how in equity transactions and assists its clients in all matters related to merger control.

In 2023, the Team is ranked ‘Highly recommended’ in the category « Mergers & Acquisitions : Transactions up to €75 million ».

Corporate law
  • Incorporation of foreign companies in France
  • Governance
  • Shareholders’ agreements
  • Legal secretariat
Mergers and acquisitions
  • Due diligence
  • Negotiation
  • Drafting of contracts
  • Joint-ventures, cross-border transactions
Merger control
  • Advice at all stages of the proceeding
  • Merger notifications
  • Relations with competition authorities
Restructuring and prevention of company difficulties
  • Analysis of the difficulties and advice
  • Negotiation of restructuring plans
  • Ad hoc mandate and conciliation
  • Safeguarding, judicial reorganization and liquidation
  • Litigation


Real estate law and Environment, Labor law, Competition, distribution, consumer affairs, Industrial risks and Insurance, Corporate - M&A, Intellectual property

INFO COVID-19 : hw&h reste ouvert pendant le confinement!

Mesdames, Messieurs, Chers clients, Depuis le 30 octobre, la France vit un nouveau confinement, applicable jusqu’au 1er décembre a minima. Bien évidemment, le cabinet hw&h reste ouvert et à votre disposition pour vous accompagner et assurer la sauvegarde de vos droits. En attendant de pouvoir vous retrouver, nous vous proposons de privilégier les échanges via audioconférence ou visioconférence. En cas de besoin, nous continuons bien sûr de vous accueillir dans nos locaux et pouvons vous fournir une attestation dérogatoire pour… Lire la suite

Real estate law and Environment, Labor law, Competition, distribution, consumer affairs, Industrial risks and Insurance, Corporate - M&A, Intellectual property

INFO COVID-19 : hw&h remains open during lockdown!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear customers, Since 30 October, France is subject to a new lockdown, applicable at least until 1st December. Of course, hw&h remains open and at your disposal to assist you and ensure the protection of your rights. Until we meet again, we suggest to give priority to exchange via telephone or video conference. If needed, we will of course continue to welcome you at our office and provide you with a certificate authorising your arrival. On site,… Read more

Real estate law and Environment, Labor law, Competition, distribution, consumer affairs, Industrial risks and Insurance, Corporate - M&A, Intellectual property

COVID-19: hw&h bleibt während des Lockdowns offen!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Mandantinnen und Mandanten, Seit dem 30 Oktober befindet sich Frankreich in einem neuen « Lockdown » ; es werden noch bis mindestens 1. Dezember Ausgangssperren gelten. Unsere Kanzlei hw&h bleibt selbstverständlich für Sie geöffnet und erreichbar, um Sie zu begleiten und Ihre Rechte zu verteidigen. Bis wir uns wieder persönlich treffen können, werden wir die meisten Besprechungen per Telefon oder Videokonferenz abhalten. Auf Wunsch können wir Sie jedoch auch zu einem persönlichen Treffen in unseren Räumlichkeiten empfangen… Lesen Sie weiter

Corporate - M&A

hw&h conseille Maïsadour dans la cession de ses activités Jardinerie et Motoculture à Invivo Retail

- Flash news

hw&h conseille Maïsadour dans la cession de ses activités Jardinerie et Motoculture à Invivo Retail:   Lire la suite

Corporate - M&A

hw&h advises Maïsadour in the sale of its Gardening and Motoculture activities to Invivo Retail

- Flash news

InVivo Retail, a subsidiary of the Union of cooperatives InVivo, has finalized the acquisition of the company Espaces verts, which operates 29 Gramm Vert garden centers and was formerly owned by Maïsadour, a cooperative group in the food industry. InVivo Retail, which is InVivo’s distribution hub, is active in three business sectors: gardening, food retail and pet stores. With its three complementary brands Jardiland, Gamm Vert and Delbard, InVivo Retail aims at becoming the leader on the European gardening market.… Read more

Corporate - M&A

hw&h conseille Maïsadour dans la cession de ses activités Jardinerie et Motoculture à Invivo Retail

- Flash news

hw&h conseille Maïsadour dans la cession de ses activités Jardinerie et Motoculture à Invivo Retail:   Lesen Sie weiter