Industrial risks and Insurance

Bolstered by the in-depth knowledge of their clients’ businesses and by a strong litigation experience, hw&h’s lawyers have developed recognized expertise in insurance law and industrial risks.

The team acts at all stages of lawsuits on behalf of a loyal clientele of French and international groups and firms and insurance companies, with a particular practice linked to its strong relations with the German market.

hw&h’s lawyers act upstream in order to prevent risks and downstream by proposing to their clients the most adapted dispute resolution strategy to their economic challengens and to the protection of their interests.

Sectors of activity

    • Metallurgic, chemical and other industries
    • Construction techniques
    • Motors
    • Energies
    • Food risks
    • Medical products
    • Pharmaceutical industry
    • Rail transport

In 2023, the Team is ranked Excellent in the category « Claims & insurance litigation ». The Team is also ranked Highly recommended in the category « Ground transport claims (road and rail) » and Recommended in the category « Product liability ».

Industrial risks, defective product liability
  • Prevention and out-of-court settlement of industrial disputes (mediation, contacts with third parties and authorities at the pre-trial stage, etc.)
  • Assistance in the case of voluntary or imposed recall of products
  • Defense and actions before French and German courts and arbitral tribunals
  • Risk management
  • Advice and assistance concerning administrative and regulatory matters
  • Analysis of policies
  • Litigation concerning insurance coverage
  • Advice concerning insurance law
Industrial risks and Insurance

Référé-expertise : attention aux délais !

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La réforme de la prescription de 2008 a créé l’article 2239 du Code civil, selon lequel la prescription est suspendue lorsqu’une mesure d’instruction avant tout procès est ordonnée. Cette disposition doit permettre au demandeur de s’abstenir d’introduire une action au fond tant que l’expertise qu’il a sollicitée n’est pas encore achevée. L’article 2239 ne désigne cependant que la prescription, et non les délais de forclusion. Dans un arrêt  du 3 juin 2015, la Cour de cassation n’avait pas manqué de… Lire la suite

Industrial risks and Insurance

Expertise ordered in a summary proceeding: watch out for procedural time limits!

- Newsletter

The French law of 2008 reforming the prescription periods has introduced an article 2239 in the French Civil Code, which establishes that this period is suspended in case of an independent proceedings for the taking of evidence. This provision should prevent the applicant from introducing the proceedings on the merits before the expertise ends. Article 2239 only designates prescription periods, not limitation periods (“délais de forclusion”). In a decision  delivered on June 3rd, 2015, the Cour de cassation, the French… Read more

Industrial risks and Insurance

Selbstständiges Beweisverfahren: Achten Sie auf die Fristen!

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Durch die Verjährungsreform aus dem Jahr 2008 wurde Artikel 2239 des französischen Zivilgesetzbuches (Code civil) geschaffen. Danach wird die Verjährung gehemmt, sobald ein selbständiges Beweisverfahren angeordnet wird. Diese Bestimmung soll es dem Antragsteller ermöglichen, auf die Einreichung einer Klage zu verzichten, solange das beantragte Gutachten noch nicht vorliegt. Artikel 2239 benennt jedoch ausdrücklich lediglich die Verjährungsfristen, nicht die Ausschlussfristen („délais de forclusion“). In einem Urteil vom 3. Juni 2015 hatte der französische Kassationshof bereits die Hemmungswirkung für die in Artikel… Lesen Sie weiter