Real estate law and environment

The team both advises and litigates on behalf of a French and foreign clientele, and more particularly a German clientele, of land owners, investors, and private contracting authorities, lessors and users.

More notably, the practice area involves real estate promotion, construction and commercial leases. In this last field, the team has acquired a significant experience in the creation, management and closure of boutique networks.

The team also works in the field of industrial environment and more particularly in classified installations and waste law, especially within the frame of acquisitions or transfers of plants.

Commercial leases
  • Negotiation and drafting of commercial leases for all types of property
  • Legal audits of commercial leases in connection with acquisitions or sales
  • Negotiation and drafting of contracts for the disposal of leasehold rights and on-going businesses and related litigation
  • Negotiation and drafting of other leasing agreements
  • Litigation involving commercial leases
Real estate promotion and construction
  • Assistance in connection with the acquisition or sale of real estate assets, legal audits in connection with the conclusion of sales agreements
  • Negotiation and drafting of contracts in connection with real estate transactions (sales and construction)
Urban planning
  • Urban planning authorizations and commercial urban planning
  • Advice and litigation before civil and administrative courts                                     (expropriation and urban and commercial right of pre-emption)
Industrial environment
  • Classified installations for the protection of the environment (CIPE), polluted sites and soil
    • Sale and acquisition of industrial sites
    • Operation and termination of activity, restoration of sites
    • Administrative and judicial litigation
  • Waste
  • Environmental legal audits
Real estate law and Environment

« Circular Economy Day », présentation du statut juridique de l’économie circulaire en France par Joséphine Jeanclos

- Flash news

A l’occasion de la « Circular Economy Day », la commission Energie et environnement de l’association des jeunes avocats internationaux (AIJA) a publié une présentation des différents concepts juridiques de l’économie circulaire à travers le monde. Joséphine Jeanclos a contribué à cette publication en présentant le concept d’économie circulaire en France. Cliquez ici pour lire le rapport Lire la suite

Real estate law and Environment

“Circular Economy Day”, presentation of the legal status of circular economy in France by Joséphine Jeanclos

- Flash news

On the occasion of the “Circular Economy Day”, the AIJA Environmental & Energy Commission published a report about the legal concepts of the circular economy around the world. Joséphine Jeanclos contributed to this publication by presenting the concept of circular economy in France. Click here to read the report Read more

Real estate law and Environment

„Circular Economy Day“, Darstellung des Kreislaufwirtschaftrechts in Frankreich von Joséphine Jeanclos

- Flash news

Anlässlich des „Circular Economy Day“, hat die AIJA Umwelt- und Energiekommission einen Bericht über die juristischen Konzepte der Kreislaufwirtschaft auf der ganzen Welt veröffentlicht. In diesem Bericht hat Joséphine Jeanclos das Konzept der Kreislaufwirtschaft in Frankreich dargestellt. Klicken Sie hier um den Bericht zu lesen Lesen Sie weiter

Labor law, Competition, distribution, consumer affairs, Industrial risks and Insurance, Corporate - M&A, Intellectual property, Real estate law and Environment

INFO COVID-19 : hw&h reste ouvert pendant le confinement!

Mesdames, Messieurs, Chers clients, Depuis le 30 octobre, la France vit un nouveau confinement, applicable jusqu’au 1er décembre a minima. Bien évidemment, le cabinet hw&h reste ouvert et à votre disposition pour vous accompagner et assurer la sauvegarde de vos droits. En attendant de pouvoir vous retrouver, nous vous proposons de privilégier les échanges via audioconférence ou visioconférence. En cas de besoin, nous continuons bien sûr de vous accueillir dans nos locaux et pouvons vous fournir une attestation dérogatoire pour… Lire la suite

Labor law, Competition, distribution, consumer affairs, Industrial risks and Insurance, Corporate - M&A, Intellectual property, Real estate law and Environment

INFO COVID-19 : hw&h remains open during lockdown!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear customers, Since 30 October, France is subject to a new lockdown, applicable at least until 1st December. Of course, hw&h remains open and at your disposal to assist you and ensure the protection of your rights. Until we meet again, we suggest to give priority to exchange via telephone or video conference. If needed, we will of course continue to welcome you at our office and provide you with a certificate authorising your arrival. On site,… Read more

Labor law, Competition, distribution, consumer affairs, Industrial risks and Insurance, Corporate - M&A, Intellectual property, Real estate law and Environment

COVID-19: hw&h bleibt während des Lockdowns offen!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Mandantinnen und Mandanten, Seit dem 30 Oktober befindet sich Frankreich in einem neuen « Lockdown » ; es werden noch bis mindestens 1. Dezember Ausgangssperren gelten. Unsere Kanzlei hw&h bleibt selbstverständlich für Sie geöffnet und erreichbar, um Sie zu begleiten und Ihre Rechte zu verteidigen. Bis wir uns wieder persönlich treffen können, werden wir die meisten Besprechungen per Telefon oder Videokonferenz abhalten. Auf Wunsch können wir Sie jedoch auch zu einem persönlichen Treffen in unseren Räumlichkeiten empfangen… Lesen Sie weiter