
hw&h’s lawyers support companies and their management during all stages of a company’s life, in its daily management and relations with their partners and administrations as well as at the time of their growth, restructuring or special events.

The two-prong approach of advising and litigating is at the center of the practice of all hw&h’s lawyers in a global rationale of assistance and risk management both upstream and downstream. Litigation is eitheir used as a leverage strategic and when inevitable or necessary.

Its special relationship with Germany over 30 years has forged its lawyers’ aptitude to work for foreign clients. Hw&h Hertslet Wolfer Heintz acts both for major international and mid-size firms, especially Germanic or Anglo-Saxon, as well as for French companies or groups.

hw&h’s lawyers share a demanding vision of their profession: commitment vis a vis the clients, efficiency of the solutions proposed, add value tailored service for true cost efficiency for the clients. They are especially interested in their clients’ business so as to understand their practical issues and constantly favour exchanges between lawyers, as well as training, in order to nourish their strategic vision.


In 1988, the founders, specialized in advising and litigating of German companies investing in France, joined forces together in order to create their own firm.

In 2000, the firm, which is very attached to the training of its associates and internal promotion, co-opts a new generation of lawyers having attained professional maturity.

In 2004, the firm takes the name hw&h Hertslet Wolfer & Heintz.

In 2023, hw&h Hertslet Wolfer & Heintz opens its German office based in Munich.

It now has 9 partners, including two founding members, assisted by a growing group of associates.